
A place of refuge for reflection and contemplation guided by an immersive soundscape.

Art Installation

Scenic Designer • Sculptor • Fabricator

'Ashrama' amalgamates diverse artistic expressions, crafting a newly conceived environment that becomes a sanctuary. This space beckons the audience to engage deeply with ideas of shelter in a meticulously curated soundscape, a collection of sounds, voices, and music contributed by a spectrum of artists.

'Ashrama' pulsates with life, evolving and transforming through durational performances and activations.Over the span of an hour, the environment undergoes a metamorphosis, emulating the natural cycles of day and night. Lighting, video projections, and sounds evolve, creating an immersive, sensory-rich experience that mirrors the rhythmic cadence of our universe. This cyclical transformation underscores the concept of Ashrama, resonating with the cycles of seeking, finding, and dwelling in refuge. It's a space that invites participants to find their unique rhythm within this sanctuary, to explore the depths of refuge in its myriad forms, and to emerge rejuvenated, connected, and transformed. This space hosted a sequence of contemplative and restorative practices—meditation sessions, yoga, and dance unfold in harmony.

Drawing inspiration from time-honored art practices with spiritual significance, the tapestry that graces the center of the space stands as a focal point. Creating a dome meticulously crafted from geometric shapes, it mirrors the protective embrace and tranquil serenity characteristic of a sanctuary. Deriving its energy from the 'Barriletes gigantes' of Guatemala and the elaborate 'Tzicuri' of the Wixárika people in Mexico, the tapestry transcends mere aesthetics. It communicates the core ethos of the space, reaching beyond cultural boundaries to encapsulate and convey the quintessential aspects of refuge in a manner that resonates across diverse cultural backgrounds. Complementing this time-honored approach, custom-made 3D printed joints provide structural integrity to the dowels and fabric.

Director and Sound Designer

Aashray Harishankar

Co-Scenic Designer
Charlie Jacobs

Lighting Designer
Alejandro Melendez

Nehemiah Stark • Gavati Wad • Livya Howard-Yashar • Teresa Piecuch • Manasa Hunsur Manjuna • Irene Gil Ramon • Robert Kelley • Katelyn Maheia • Malvica Chopra • Kathi Schulz